Workshop in titled " Protecting the cultural landscape in the neglected areas of biodiversity" in Kharas

The Palestine Wildlife Society held a workshop on Saturday, 3/7/2021 in the town of Kharas north of Hebron, on ways to protect the cultural and natural landscape in neglected areas of biodiversity.
The workshop was attended by Mr. Jameel Halahla, Mayor of Kharas and Mr. Khaled Dapasa, Deputy Mayor of Nuba and M. Ahmed Al-Amari, Agricultural Engineer, Mr. Ibrahim Fawzi, programs manager at Palestine wildlife society and Dr. Nael Salman project manager and a number of interested farmers from Kharas and Nuba.
The workshop was started by Mr. Jamil Halalh, where he welcomed the sponsors of this project, lecturers and farmers.
after that Mr. Ibrahim Odeh introduced the Palestine Wildlife Association since its inception.
The workshop addressed many of the most important issues:
A lecture on project details and objectives given by Dr. Nayl Salman, Project Manager.
The second lecture was on ways to conserve agricultural biodiversity and promote environmentally friendly agricultural practices, traditional practices and land use.
In conclusion, the discussion was opened for farmers and the response to their queries from lecturers about land, agriculture and their needs.